Blind Modules
Blind Modules are the core technology Nillion is building. As a developer or end user of Nillion's technology, you will mainly interact with the SecretSDKs, which are all built on top of our Blind Modules.
Currently, there are three Blind Modules: nilVM, nilDB & nilAI.
nilDB is Nillion's secure database solution, enabling data to be stored in an encrypted (via symmetric cryptography or HE) and/or decentralized (via MPC) way. Data is stored on a cluster of network nodes (with the current cluster consisting of three nodes).
nilDB is the Blind Module that underpins Nillion's SecretVault and SecretDataAnalytics products. SecretVault and SecretDataAnalytics data are accessed via an easy-to-use RESTful API with endpoints to create/upload, retrieve, and query data. Developers can use our nilQL library to encrypt and/or secret share data on the client side before using our RESTful API to send the ciphertexts and/or secret shares to the nodes.
nilAI is Nillion's secure AI offering, which runs LLMs securely inside TEEs. nilAI is the Blind Module that underpins SecretLLM.
Like SecretVault and SecretDataAnalytics, this SDK can be accessed via an easy-to-use RESTful API that allows users to run inference using supported models.
The core functionality provided by nilVM is the ability to sign data in a decentralized way using MPC, which can be leveraged using SecretSigner.
nilVM can also be leveraged using our Python or TypeScript clients and includes the Nada programming language. Check out full nilVM docs including older nilVM Quickstarts.