SecretVault Quickstart
SecretVault lets you store sensitive data securely by encrypting and splitting it across multiple nodes. While regular fields remain readable, private information is protected through encryption - making it perfect for applications that need to balance data accessibility with privacy.
In this 15-minute quickstart, you'll build a privacy-preserving data collection for a Web3 experience survey using Node.js and SecretVault. The project will encrypt personal data (name
and years_in_web3
fields) while keeping the responses
array of survey ratings in plaintext.
This guide uses JavaScript (Node.js) and the JS secretvaults package for simplicity, but SecretVault can be integrated with any language using the nilDB APIs directly. The wrapper package is also available in Python via PyPi.
Project Overview
This quickstart will guide you through:
- Setting up a Node.js project from scratch and installing the JS secretvaults package
- Configuring SecretVault org access
- Creating a SecretVault Collection by uploading a schema
- Writing and reading encrypted survey data to the collection
Your final project structure will be like this:
├── node_modules
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json # Project dependencies
├── orgConfig.js # Nillion org credentials and node URLs
├── createSchema.js # Script for uploading a schema to create a collection
└── readWriteSv.js # Main script that reads and writes to SecretVault
- Node.js (v18 or higher recommended)
- npm (comes with Node.js)
Build your project
1. Set up Node.js Project
Create and enter the project directory:
mkdir sv-quickstart
cd sv-quickstart
Initialize npm project with type "module" and install dependencies:
npm init es6
npm i secretvaults
secretvaults is a JavaScript npm package with wrappers for simplifying usage of Nillion's Secret Vault and the nilQL encryption and decryption library. A Python version is also available via PyPi.
2. Set your SecretVault Organization Config
Create a Nillion organization configuration file
touch orgConfig.js
Add the demo organization configuration:
For quickstart purposes, we've pre-registered an org you can use. Here are the organization's credentials and cluster configuration including node urls and node did (decentralized identifiers) to paste into your nillionOrgConfig.js
Copy this Demo Organization Config into orgConfig.js
You can also look up cluster configuration values using the orgDid in the "Returning Org" section of the SecretVault Registration Portal.
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
export const orgConfig = {
orgCredentials: {
secretKey: '0ac97ffdd83769c6c5032cb202d0957800e0ef151f015b0aaec52e2d864d4fc6',
orgDid: 'did:nil:testnet:nillion1v596szek38l22jm9et4r4j7txu3v7eff3uffue',
nodes: [
url: '',
did: 'did:nil:testnet:nillion1qfrl8nje3nvwh6cryj63mz2y6gsdptvn07nx8v',
url: '',
did: 'did:nil:testnet:nillion1uak7fgsp69kzfhdd6lfqv69fnzh3lprg2mp3mx',
url: '',
did: 'did:nil:testnet:nillion1kfremrp2mryxrynx66etjl8s7wazxc3rssrugk',
Now we have all the organization and cluster details needed to use SecretVault:
- Organization Credentials: private key and did
- Cluster configuration: Node API urls and Node DIDs for each node in the cluster
3. Create Collection Schema
Create a schema.json file:
touch schema.json
Add the "Web3 Experience Survey" schema within schema.json. The schema definition specifies the data structure of any record uploaded to the collection:
- Every survey response requires a unique
is also encrypted and follows the same structureresponses
array holds unencrypted survey ratings, with each rating being 1-5
Copy this Web3 Experience Survey schema into schema.json:
Create the upload schema script:
touch createSchema.js
Copy this script that creates your collection schema into createSchema.js:
Run the upload schema script to create a schema collection:
node createSchema.js
Save the Schema ID from the output - you'll need it for writing and reading data to your collection in the next step.
4. Interact with SecretVault Data
1. Create a main script file
touch readWriteSv.js
Now your file structure should look like this:
├── node_modules
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── orgConfig.js
├── createSchema.js
└── readWriteSv.js
2. Import dependencies in readWriteSv.js
import { SecretVaultWrapper } from 'secretvaults';
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
import { orgConfig } from './orgConfig.js';
3. Add your Collection's Schema ID
4. Create a payload of 1 or more Web3 Experience Survey data records to store
Mark the name and years_in_web3 fields with %allot
to signal to nilQL that these are fields that need to be encrypted to shares before being stored in SecretVault. The secretvaults package will transform data marked %allot into encrypted %share properties before upload to SecretVault.
const web3ExperienceSurveyData = [
years_in_web3: { '%allot': 8 }, // years_in_web3 will be encrypted to a %share
responses: [
{ rating: 5, question_number: 1 },
{ rating: 3, question_number: 2 },
], // responses will be stored in plaintext
5. Write the main function
- Initialize wrapper with nodes and credentials
- Write data to nodes, encrypting the years_in_web3 with nilQL ahead of time
- Read data from all nodes and recombine shares to decrypt the years_in_web3 field
5. Run the script
node readWriteSv.js
Full readWriteSv.js file
You should see output showing:
- Record IDs for the encrypted data written to SecretVault
- Decrypted data after reading across nodes
Next Steps
Great work! Now that you've successfully written and read encrypted data from SecretVault, explore: