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Nillion SDK and Tools

The Nillion SDK includes CLI tools for generating user and node keys, compiling Nada programs, running programs locally, running a nillion devnet, and connecting to the Nillion network.


Install nilup, the Nillion SDK tool installer and version manager.

curl | bash

The install script installs nilup and the latest version of the SDK. Close your terminal. Open a new terminal and confirm both nilup and nillion are installed:

nilup -V; nillion -V

You should see an output with the versions of nilup and nillion installed.

Install the latest Nillion SDK version

nillion install latest
nillion use latest

Nillion SDK tools

After installation, the following SDK tools are available globally:

  • nilup: a tool to install the Nillion SDK and manage Nillion SDK versions.
  • nillion: a cli-based Nillion Client and tool for interacting with the Nillion Network from the command line to generate user keys, generate node keys, store secrets, retrieve secrets, store programs, compute on secrets, and fetch information about clusters and nodes.
  • nillion-devnet: a tool that allows you to spin up and interact with a local test Nillion network that is completely isolated within your computer
  • node-key2peerid: a tool that creates a peer id from your node key
  • nada: a tool to manage Nada projects (create project, compile, run, and test programs, generate tests, etc.).
  • nada-run: a tool that executes programs against a stripped down version of a Nillion devnet
  • pynadac: a tool that compiles Nada programs; pynadac takes an input program defined in Nada and produces a compiled version of it ready to be run with nada-run or stored on the Nillion Network

Command structure

Nillion SDK tool commands follow a structured format:

<tool> [options] <command>

For example, to generate a user key using the nillion command, run:

nillion user-key-gen user.key

To get full usage details including a comprehensive list of global commands and options available for a specific tool, run:

<tool> --help

For example, to view the available commands for the nada tool, run:

nada --help