nilQL (Nillion Query Library) is a cryptographic library for secure data operations. While nilQL can be used as a general-purpose encryption/decryption library, Nillion leverages nilQL specifically for encrypting data stored in SecretVault and enabling secure operations within nilDB queries and replies.
How to Use nilQL
As a Standalone Library
Developers can use nilQL as a general-purpose encryption/decryption library for their applications.
With SecretVault and SecretDataAnalytics
You can interact with SecretVault and SecretDataAnalytics either directly through nilQL or using the optional secretvaults package (available in JS and Python):
- Use nilQL to encrypt record field values with your organization's private key before storage in a SecretVault collection
- Store the encrypted shares of record field values across your organization's nilDB nodes
- Query nilQL encrypted data that has been stored in SecretVault to perform secure operations on nilQL encrypted data via SecretDataAnalytics APIs
- nilql-ts: TypeScript library for web and Node.js environments
- nilql-py: Python library for server-side applications
- secretvaults (JS): an NPM package wrapper providing simplified integration with nilQL & SecretVault
- secretvaults (Python): an PyPi package wrapper providing simplified integration with nilQL & SecretVault
Supported Operations
Operation | Node Type | Implementation | Supported Types |
Store | Single | XSalsa20 stream cipher with Poly1305 MAC | 32-bit signed integer, UTF-8 string (max 4096 bytes) |
Match | Single | Deterministic salted hashing via SHA-512 | 32-bit signed integer, UTF-8 string (max 4096 bytes) |
Sum | Single | Non-deterministic Paillier with 2048-bit primes | 32-bit signed integer |
Store | Multiple | XOR-based secret sharing | 32-bit signed integer, UTF-8 string (max 4096 bytes) |
Match | Multiple | Deterministic salted hashing via SHA-512 | 32-bit signed integer, UTF-8 string (max 4096 bytes) |
Sum | Multiple | Additive secret sharing with modulus 2^32 | 32-bit signed integer |