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Debugging Nada

Nada DSL provides a way to easily interface with MPC in a user-friendly programming language. However, given the restrictions of MPC, behaviors that Python as the metaprogramming layer would enable are often not permitted. When trying to debug programs, there are a few strategies that can help us understand what's happening in Nada.

Think Big, Code Small

A fundamental part of successfully developing complex functionality in Nada relies on following a set of best practices when developing your programs. Debugging large pieces of code can be a nightmare. Thus, setting up your project in an appropriate manner can help avoid headaches. Our recommendation here is to build and test small pieces of code. For that, we can use the nada project management tool and its capabilities.

These few tips when setting up your project can help ensure a healthier development lifecycle:

  1. Don't use main to write your code: Instead, write it in another .py file, import it, and execute it. This way, we can use multiple test files for each piece of code, ensuring consistent behavior.

    from nada_dsl import *

    def func(a, b):
    return a + b
    from nada_dsl import *
    from lib import func

    def main():
    c = func(a, b)

    from nada_dsl import *

    def func(a, b):
    return a + b

    def main():
    c = func(a, b)
  2. Create and test multiple compilation units: Using the nada project management tool, one can create multiple independent compilation units, that is, programs that compile independently. To create a separate compilation unit, follow these steps:

    • Add the following line to nada-project.toml:
    path = "src/" # test_func must be replaced by the name of your choice.
    prime_size = 128 # Can also be 64 or 256
    • Create the appropriate file in the src/ directory, in this case,
    • Use this file to test a single functionality, in this case our function func:
    from nada_dsl import *
    from lib import func

    def main():
    c = func(a, b)

    After this point, whenever we execute nada build, nada will compile all the programs in the nada-project.toml file. This can serve as a way to test that any changes do not break other functionalities. Furthermore, if you wish to compile a single file, you can do so with: nada build <file>, in this case nada build test_func.

  3. Add Tests for Every Function: Adding tests for every function can be a good way to detect wrong behavior and to test for corner cases. For that, you can use nada generate-test to produce a test file named test_func_1.yaml in the tests/ directory, with the following command:

    # nada generate-test --test-name <test_name> <source_file>
    nada generate-test --test-name test_func_1 test_func

    This will produce the following tree:

    ├── src
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    └── tests
    └── test_func_1.yaml

    You can create as many tests as you wish for the same compilation unit. If you execute nada test, it will execute all the existing tests for all compilation units. This can be a good way to check for any regression errors in your Nada programs. If you wish to execute the tests for a single file, you can do so with nada test test_func_1.

  4. Use print to debug: Follow our Debugging with print() guide to learn how to inspect the values and types of variables at various points in your Nada program code.