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Network Setup

Here's how to set up your developer environment when building apps or agents with SecretSigner:

Development Flow

Start by developing against a local development network, then move to Nillion Testnet:

  1. Develop locally using nillion-devnet

    • Run a local nilChain and a local nilVM cluster of nodes
    • Use local test accounts that are pre-funded with test NIL
    • Iterate quickly without worrying about network issues
  2. Move to testnet when your code works

Local Nillion Development Setup

1. Install the Nillion SDK

Install nilup, the Nillion SDK tool installer and version manager.

curl | bash

The install script installs nilup and the latest version of the SDK. Close your terminal. Open a new terminal and confirm both nilup and nillion are installed:

nilup -V; nillion -V

You should see an output with the versions of nilup and nillion installed.

Install the latest Nillion SDK version

nillion install latest
nillion use latest

2. Run the Nillion local devnet

Open a new cli and run the nillion-devnet tool to start a local Nillion Network with nilChain and nilVM


3. Configure to point to your local Nillion devnet

Once the local devnet is running, you'll see the local devnet configuration details and a set of locally funded private keys below written to an environment file. Use any of these private keys to pay for local nillion-devnet operations.

nilChain Chain ID: nillion-chain-devnet
nilChain JSON RPC URL:
nilChain REST API: http://localhost:26650
nilChain GRPC URL: http://localhost:26649

Moving to Nillion Testnet

When your implementation works locally, switch to testnet by:

1. Update config to point to Nillion Testnet networks

nilChain Chain ID: nillion-chain-testnet-1
nilChain JSON RPC URL:
nilChain REST API:
nilChain GRPC URL:

2. Fund a nilChain Wallet with Testnet NIL

  • Create a Nillion Wallet - make sure to "Sign up with Google" rather than "Use Recovery Phrase" so that you have the option to "View Private Key" for the new Nillion account in Keplr.
  • Fund the Nillion account with Testnet NIL from the nilChain Testnet Faucet
  • Set the funded private key as your nilChain payer to pay for Nillion Testnet operations.